Organ Donation Ambassador Glory Saleesha organizes Awareness Session

Ms Glory Saleesha V, an intern of MOHAN Foundation and organ donation ambassador delivered an awareness talk on Zoom on 9th July 2021. She had invited around 45 people to attend the session which began with a welcome address by Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, who also introduced MOHAN Foundation to the audience.

Ms Glory then took over and using a PowerPoint presentation, explained the concepts of organ donation and transplantation. Her talk covered definition of basic terms, eligibility criteria and process related concepts. She also spoke about the organs and tissues that could be donated and the process to sign up as an organ donor. With adequate response from the audience boosting her confidence, Ms Glory was able to successfully hold an engaging session with her family and friends who were audience.

Participants were given time to clear their doubts and few came up with questions like:

  • Can a living donor lead a healthy life after donating his or her organ?
  • Does a live donor have to take medications after organ donation?
  • What would prevent someone from being an organ donor?
  • The different steps involved in registering as an organ donor

Ms Glory received positive feedback from everyone and a few even reached out to her after the session for assistance to pledge their organs. Ms Glory now looks forward to addressing many more people and the spread the message of organ donation far and wide.


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