Organ Donation Awareness for Students of MMM College of Health Sciences

Interns and organ donation ambassadors of MOHAN Foundation, Mr. Umarnath P and Mr. Naveen Antony organized an online awareness talk on organ donation on 24th March 2021. Both, 4th year students of Medical Sociology at MMM College of Health Sciences, Chennai had invited around 40 students of Medical Sociology and Dialysis Technology courses to attend the talk. The talk was organized with the help of Dr. Arun, Faculty at the institution. Ms. Ishwarya Thyagarajan, Research Associate was also present on the occasion. 

Mr. Umarnath explained the following in his presentation:

  • Organs and their functions
  • Organ donation and the need for it
  • Brain death
  • Types of donors
  • Age criteria to be a donor
  • Organs and tissues that could be donated while living and after death
  • Transplant law
  • Myths related to organ donation 

A video where Dr. Sandeep Vaishya, a Neurosurgeon explains brain death and how it is different from coma, was played for the audience. An inspiring story of a young organ donor was also shared.

A student from the audience shared a personal experience involving an eye donation in the family. Plotlines from certain Tamil language movies were used as examples to explain certain concepts. 

A short quiz to revisit the key points of the talk was conducted by Mr. Naveen. The audience actively participated and answered all the questions right. 

The following questions were raised:

  • What are the options to register as organ donors?
  • Is head transplantation possible?
  • How would a donor’s medical history affect the recipient?
  • How does graft rejection occur? 

MOHAN Foundation is thankful to MMM College and Dr. Arun for the opportunity. 


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