Release of the Handbook of Renal Transplantation in Developing Countries by Oxford University Press

Handbook of Renal Transplantation in Developing Countries, a publication from the Oxford University Press is a multi-author volume that focuses on developing nations with limited resources. The book consists of 25 chapters contributed by experts from India and across the world. The editors of this comprehensive handbook are Dr. Georgi Abraham (Chief of Nephrology and Professor of Medicine, The MMM Hospital) and Dr. Anusha Rohit (Director of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Control, The MMM Hospital).


The book release of “Handbook of Renal Transplantation in Developing Countries” by Oxford University Press was held on 16th November 2020. The event was hosted virtually from the Raj Bhavan, Telangana and the live event was held at The Madras Medical Mission (MMM) Hospital, Chennai.


Her Excellency Dr. (Smt.) Tamilisai Soundararajan, the Honourable Governor of Telangana was the chief guest. The other dignitaries present for the book release were

  • H.G. Dr. Yuhanon Mar Diascoros, President, The MMM Hospital
  • Mr. M. M. Philip, Honourable Secretary, The MMM Hospital
  • Dr. K. V. Johnny, Director, Lake Shore Hospital, Kochi
  • Prof. Dr. P. Soundararajan, Senior Nephrologist
  • Dr. Sunil Shroff, Consultant, The MMM Hospital and Incoming President – ISOT, Managing Trustee, MOHAN Foundation


Her Excellency Dr. (Smt.) Tamilisai Soundararajan, the Honourable Governor of Telangana released the handbook from the Raj Bhavan, Telangana and the copies were received by Prof. Dr. P. Soundararajan (Senior Nephrologist) and Dr. Manisha Sahay (Professor and Chief of Nephrology, Osmania Medical College and General Hospital, Hyderabad).


The Handbook was simultaneously released at The MMM Hospital, Chennai by Mr. M. M. Philip, Honourable Secretary, The MMM Hospital. The copies were received by Dr. Ajit S. Mullasari (Director Cardiology, Institute of Cardio-Vascular Diseases, The MMM Hospital) and Dr. Milly Mathew (Senior Consultant, Nephrology, The MMM Hospital).


Her Excellency Dr. (Smt.) Tamilisai Soundararajan, in her chief guest address, stressed that the gap between the need and the availability of organs for transplantation  was extremely wide. Globally it is estimated that more than 7 to 8 lakh people die annually due to chronic kidney disease. In India, it is estimated that over 2 to 2.5 lakh people with end-stage renal disease require transplantation whereas less than 10,000 renal transplants are performed annually and most of them   are living donor renal transplants. She affirmed that this handbook would certainly motivate young doctors to take up the transplant profession and also would be a good resource to enhance their learning. She added that the handbook would be a boon to practising nephrologists and urologists to bridge their knowledge gap. As she concluded her talk, she appreciated the efforts of the editors, Prof. Dr. Georgi Abraham and Dr. Anusha Rohit, in bringing out the handbook.


Dr. Sunil Shroff, Managing Trustee, Dr. Sumana Navin, Course Director and Ms. Sujatha Suriyamoorthi, Manager-Information Systems from MOHAN Foundation contributed to the following two chapters for the Handbook

  • Chapter 19 - Deceased donor transplantation in India: A model for developing countries - Dr. Sunil Shroff, Dr. Amalorpavanathan J, Dr. Sumana Navin and Ms. Sujatha Suriyamoorthi
  • Chapter 25 - Ethics in kidney donation and transplantation - Dr. Nithya Krishnan and Dr. Sunil Shroff

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