Awareness Session on Organ Donation at DVM SVH Engineering College, Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh

On 4th January 2020, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Helping Spot Organization for an awareness session on organ donation and its importance in our country at DVM SVH of Engineering College, Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh. There were 150 participants for the awareness program. Helping Spot Organization was celebrating their 5 years anniversary on this day.  That is why they had invited us to make a presentation about a gracious act, which can be a most helpful for the public. 


Mr. Sachin Sunny, Transplant Coordinator of MOHAN Foundation started session with an interaction with students about values in life. Then it was taken by Dr. Bhanu Prakash, Transplant Coordinator of MF and he started with an introduction of MOHAN Foundation and the importance of organ donation in current scenario. It was an interactive session with question and answers. Many of them had doubts and misconceptions about this field, and they were clarified by them. Some of the local political and religious leaders attended the program and the event was a great success.


Participants were interested to hear about the concepts of organ donation and to promote organ donation. Everyone came up to register for organ donation and picked up the donor cards. They assured that they would create awareness within their family and in their friends circle. The Helping Spot Organization showed keen an interest to work with us in future. 


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