Angels of Change Training for the Medical Students of Tagore Medical College & Hospital – Day 1

An Angels of Change volunteer training programme was conducted for the II year medical students of Tagore Medical College & Hospital on 23rd January 2020. The first batch of volunteers from the college were trained in 2017. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde and Mr. Siva Shankar T S represented MOHAN Foundation. Dr. A. Balaji, HOD of Community Medicine welcomed the trainers and Dr. Sree Sucharitha, Faculty – Community Medicine recalled that earlier training and asked the students to learn the best they could. 

The session began with Dr. Sree Sucharitha introducing the trainers to the audience. The students were then given the exercise of writing down a couple of take-aways they were expecting from the training. Day 1 of the training comprised of four segments involving the trainers making presentations of some important topics and activities for the students

In the first segment, Mr. Siva Shankar explained the concepts of organ donation: the organs and tissues that could be donated, brain death, causes of brain death, age criteria in organ donation, government authority for organ donation and transplantation, and the activities of MOHAN Foundation.

The session was followed by a talk on the history of organ donation and brain death in India by Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, who also explained the protocol followed by hospitals for a successful deaceased organ donation.  This was done as a role play exercise. Educative videos were also played for the students

In the following segment, the students were divided into 4 groups to be trained in event planning, public speaking, surveying and social media marketing/promotion. The groups were given the task of planning and executing an activity to create awareness and promote the cause of organ donation. The groups presented a number of ideas including organising wakathon in the beach, poster competitions in colleges and schools, and slogan completions in various social media platforms, to name a few. The group allocated with the task of conducting surveys, shared the difficulties they faced while interacting with the public. The public talk group made a presentation to their classmates. The #givinglife was chosen for this years campaigns.

The session ended with a presentation on Education and Communication methods to create awareness on organ donation by Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, followed by a group photo. The second part of the training programme will be held on 29th January 2020.      

MOHAN Foundation is thankful to Dr. A. Balaji and Dr. Sree Sucharitha for their support and appreciates their commitment to the cause.


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