Awareness session on organ donation at Artemis Hospital, Gurugram

On October 21, 2019, MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct a session on organ donation for the nurses of Artemis Hospital, Gurugram. This session is organized by nursing education department once every month as a part of nurses’ induction programme. Ms. Shafia Hameed was the resource person for the session.


Ms. Shafia began the session by introducing herself, the Foundation, and in particular its role in spreading awareness on organ donation. She then asked the participants if anyone amongst them had pledged their organs. Three participants raised their hands and when asked what prompted them to sign up, the unanimous reply of all three was that they wanted to help someone in need of organs. 


She then spoke about the current statistics of organ donation in India which is quite low (0.80 pmp) as compared to other countries like Spain and Croatia. She then  shared that lack of awareness was one of the major impediments to organ donation in our country. Difference between brain death and circulatory death was explained. A short movie on brain death was shown. Post movie the participants could easily differentiate between brain death and coma. What all organs and tissues can be donated in a state of brain death and circulatory death were explained. Myths around organ donation were discussed.


At the end of the session, she motivated the nurses to talk to their families, friends and relatives about organ donation as this would go a long way to take this cause forward at an individual level.


Close to 80 nurses attended the session.


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