Organ Donation Awareness at a NGO in Kongba, Imphal

On 29th August 2019, MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness programme on Organ Donation at a NGO in Kongba, Imphal East. Around 20 NGO members were present at the programme.

Roma Devi, the Transplant Coordinator from MOHAN Foundation, Imphal was the resource person. She explained the concepts of organ donation, why it is required and about organ transplantation as well.

She briefly explained the necessity and importance of organ donation, types of donor and difference between brain death and cardiac death or circulatory death. She also spoke about the organs and tissues that could be donated following brain death and circulatory death respectively. She also explained the importance of donor cards. A few members wanted to know about the process of registration for a transplant and the protocol for organ donation followed in hospitals. The session was very interactive and MOHAN Foundation is thankful for the opportunity.


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