Angels of Change Training for the Students of Madras School of Social Work, Chennai

MOHAN Foundation conducted an Angels of Change Training program for students pursuing their second year in Masters of Social Work at Madras School of Social Work on 6th July 2019 from 9 AM to 5 PM at the MOHAN Foundation, Chennai office. The training was attended by 19 students specialising in Medical and Psychiatry and Community Development.

The training began with an introduction about MOHAN Foundation by Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer. She discussed the activities of the Foundation for the past 20 years and the need for organ donation.

Mr. Siva Shankar T.S., then continued with a presentation on the concepts of organ donation which covered the following topics:

  • Organ donation and its types
  • Organ donation while living, after circulatorydeath and brain death
  • Transplant Law
  • Brain stem death and coma
  • Donor card
  • Helpline number

A video explaining brain stem death was played and Dr. Dalia, Senior Anesthetist - Manipal Hospitals, Goa who was one of the speakers explained the tests that are performed by a panel of doctors in hospitals to confirm brain stem death of a patient. 

The training then continued with a panel discussion involving Mr. K. Prakash, Manager, Organ Transplant from Dr. Kamakshi Memorial Hospital and Mr. Simon Raj, Lecturer from MMM College of Health Sciences and also whose family member was a donor. Mr. Prakash shared his experience of coordinating an organ donation case while he was at the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, where the donor was Mr. Simon Raj’s uncle. Mr. Prakash found it challenging to coordinate the case as there were many relatives of Mr. Simon Raj present in the hospital. Mr. Simon Raj shared that he himself found it difficult to convince his family members to agree to the donation. The session went on for about 30 minutes and the participants enjoyed the entire session.

This was followed by an activity involving the participants to take up different roles in a hospital when a potential organ donor becomes available. Each participant was given a card with his/her role written on it. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde explained the protocol that is followed in the hospital during an organ donation scenario.  The activity was followed by the participants being divided into 5 groups and each group preparing and presenting a PowerPoint Presentation on the theme of organ donation.

Ms. Ann Alex, Programme Associate was the next speaker who explained the courses offered by the Foundation on the subject of organ donation and transplantation. She explained about the one-year e-learning course which MOHAN Foundation offers, in detail and the short video clips on how it is conducted were shown to the participants. The training ended with a group photo being clicked with the participants and Foundation staff.


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