Campaigning in RTO of Nagpur – Session 16, March

The Regional Transport Officer of Giripeth, Nagpur, Mr. Bajaranga Kharmate, invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct an awareness session on organ donation. The programme was conducted in the training hall on 5th March 2019 and the public who had come to apply for vehicle registration and driving license were the audience.

Mr. Bulu Behera, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation delivered a talk on Organ Donation. In his talk he explained the following points:

  • What is organ donation and its importance in saving lives
  • Who can donate and when it is possible to become a donor
  • Law on organ donation and transplantation
  • Difference between brain death, natural death and coma
  • Myths related to organ donation
  • Stories of donors from Nagpur
  • Transplant hospitals and tissue banks in Nagpur
  • Importance of donor card, MOHAN Foundation helpline number and website

The audience had the following questions:

  • Is there an age limit to donate organs?
  • Where is the MOHAN Foundation office in Nagpur?
  • Does MOHAN Foundation offer any financial help to the donor families?

It was an interactive session. Around 22 people were present in the training room and 3 of them signed consent forms and picked up their donor cards. MOHAN Foundation thanks the RTO for the opportunity.


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