Awareness talk on organ donation at the Annual function of Seet Kamal International, Jaipur, Rajasthan

On 12.01.2019 MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Navjeevan team was invited by Mr. Gautam Nathany, Managing Director, Seet Kamal International, Kamani Road, Jhotwara Industrial Area, Jaipur on the occasion of annual function to deliver the talk on organ donation.

 Seet Kamal International is a Jaipur based company which Manufactures & Exporter of Paper & Leather Products (Gift Packaging, Lighting, Origami products, Stationary, Storage, and Soft Goods) since 1992.

Mr. Ravi Kamra and Mr. Roshan Bahadur represented the MFJCF team. More than 500 people attended the session and got sensitized about organ donation.

Mr. Ravi Kamra gave a video presentation based on organ donation and covered following topics

1. Types of organ donation.

2. Need of organ donation

3. Organ donation in India


Some questions were asked and answered by the team members.

1. Why do we need to donate organs?

2. How can we pledge for our organs?

3. Who will get my organs?

In the end of the program 100 people came forward and picked up the donor cards.


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