MOHAN Foundation sets up an Awareness Stall at a Kids’ Carnival

MOHAN Foundation was invited to set up an awareness stall as part of a kids’ carnival held at Smt. Narbada Devi J. Agarwal Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College, Vyasarpadi on 27th November, 2018. The school had invited the parents of students in LKG to II standards to spend a fun-filled day at the school premises.

Ms. Ishwarya Thyagarajan (Helpline Executive, MOHAN Foundation) and Mr. Arun Jose (Intern, MMM College of Health Sciences) were the resource persons. 27th November is being observed as the National Organ Donation Day and MOHAN Foundation was very glad to spread the message of organ donation among a large group of people on this day.

Stalls for cancer screening and promotion of Ayurvedic medicines; games for children and parents; food stalls; and some exhibits were there at the venue. MOHAN Foundation’s stall was set up in view of creating some awareness about the concept of organ donation. More than 100 people visited the stall and close to 60 registered as organ donors and received donor cards.

MOHAN Foundation thanks the School Management, Smt. Subhashree Ravichandran, Principal, Mr. B Rajesh, Admin Officer and Ms. Rajeswari, Teacher of Vivekananda Vidyalaya for the invitation and supporting the cause of organ donation.


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