Organ Donation awareness at a college in Nagpur |
Dr. Ravi Wankhede was invited by Dr. Rajesh Pande, Principal of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur to deliver a talk on organ donation to MCA students on 09th October 2018. To begin with, Dr. Wankhede was introduced to the Management Core Committee of the College led by the Hon' Secretary Shri Govindlalji Agrawal, Shri Shyam Rathi, Pradeep Agrawal, Shri Pacheriwala and others. Dr. Wankhede was felicitated by Shri Govindlalji Agrawal with a shawl and memento. Dr. Ravi Wankhede was the introduced by Dr. Priti Voditel H.O.D. of MCA department. Dr. Y. M. Sonkharkar Dean of Sri Ramdeobaba College and Prof. Pravin Dwaramwar and Bulu Behera Transplant Coordinator were also present during the talk. Dr. Wankhede using a PPT explained the concepts of organ donation and transplantation to the audience. He began with a short history of organ donation starting with cornea donation in the year 1905 by Eduard Zirm of Czech Republic, followed by the first successful kidney transplant in the year 1950 in the USA. In India the first successful kidney transplant was carried out in Chennai. He explained organ donation during life as well as after death. He emphasized on brain death following which many organs and tissues could be donated to save several lives. He said once a patient is declared brain dead, family consent will be required for donation of the organs. Dr. Wankhede said organ donation is more of a routine in developed countries, but extremely low in India. He said our country has made great progress in technology but when it came to donating organs, the numbers are far less than required. He said after death, we only either cremate or bury the dead bodies, so why not donate whatever is possible. He said there is a huge demand for life saving organs in the country and the youth should show a positive inclination to accept the reality of the situation rather than blindly following faith and myths. Dr. Wankhede mentioned that all major religions allow organ donation. Forms for organ donation pledge was handed over to the Dr. Priti Voditel who circulated them among the staff and students of her department. Vote of thank was delivered by Dr. Y. M. Sonkharkar. |