MOHAN Foundation at Equitable Health Access Consortium Meeting at Madurai


The second meeting of Equitable Healthcare Access Consortium (EHAC) was held in Madurai on 7th and 8th July at DHAN Foundation, Madurai. The meeting was the follow up of the earlier meeting which was held in 6th March 2018 at LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad. The earlier meeting held in Hyderabad was attended by various NGO’s who are working for equitable health care in India. The thought of developing this consortium came after the successful models of equitable eye care model developed by LVPEI and Aravind Eye Care. The Consortium wants to develop similar models in healthcare specialties such as cardiac, neuro, orthopedics etc. The main motive of the earlier meeting was to create an access to high quality health care for all.  Mr. Ruban Victor.  Marketing Manager, represented MOHAN Foundation for the consortium.


The second meeting was held at DHAN Foundation with nearly 22 NGO’S from various places attending the consortium to frame new pilot project among NGO’s and frame MOU between them. The first day session began with the self-introduction of the participants. The Mr. Vasimali, Executive Director of DHAN Foundation welcomed the gathering to the meeting. The second session was headed by Prof. Seshadri who emphasized on the role of Aravind Eye Care and the components of their model of equitable access to health. He encouraged all to frame guidelines to help the poor and encouraging others to follows his model. He also summarized the minutes of the first EHAC meeting and the outcomes of various synergies among the participating organizations. A brief session on the how to network, and need for new invention techniques were discussed, the above session gave an insight for the next two days.

The next session was on Reporting by the NGO’s who participated on the EHAC first meeting in Hyderabad. All NGO gave their status on the work done under the EHAC.  LV Prasad Eye Institute, DHAN Foundation and Aravind Eye care hospitals and proposed new pilots which they are interested in collaboration. The post lunch session was on proposing new pilots and collaborations by Dr. Srinath, the session encouraged all the participants to discuss on the problems they face and how can other participants can help them.

Followed by the open session the focus was shifted to research agenda, the session was presided by Prof. Satyavageeswaran and Prof. Seshadri. The session reiterated that research is not about publication but about the impact we create. The chairperson also proposed a framework for research on how to deliver health care well, how to design work to healthcare effectively, ways to create an enabling environment such as policies. Mr. Vasimalai expressed interest of DHAN Foundation to do community research. The first day session ended with the wrap up on the day insights and plan of action for tomorrow sessions.

The second day session started with the topic – Discussion on way forward for the consortium was chaired by Dr. G. N. Rao of LV Prasad Eye Institute, in the open discussion all the organization representative participated and contributed to the session. How to make healthcare access to all was discussed among the forum. The day ended with the session on minutes of the day meeting and when the next meeting to be held and the dates. All the participants added to have workshop on research on the next meeting which will help the participants. The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Pandian of DHAN Foundation.


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