Organ donation awareness talk on Chartered Accountants Day |
On 1st July 2018, on the occasion of Chartered Accountants (CA) Day, the Institution of Chartered Accountants, Dhantoli, Nagpur organized a blood donation camp & an organ donation information stall. Chairman Mr. Sandeep Jothwani was the force behind this annual event. Three years ago the Institute had organized a talk on the topic and thenceforth an information desk is set up every year. Dr. Ravi Wankhede, Director of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur & Mr. Bulu Behera, Transplant Coordinator gave the information on the occasion and also answered the questions raised by the visitors. The stall displayed information brochures, donor cards, standees and a banner. Information given to students: Types of death and the tissues and organ donation in case of natural death & brain death; activities of MOHAN Foundation, helpline number &website, organ transplant rules. 25 visitors visited the stall. After understanding about organ donation, 20 visitors took consent form & 5 of them signed consent form and took donor cards. Questions asked by visitors: After Eye donation body donation can happen? What is bone marrow? Is Heart transplant possible in Nagpur? |