Jan Manch organizes an awareness talk on Organ Donation

On June 24, 2018 MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness talk on Organ Donation at Sai Sabha Gruha, Sankar Nagar, Nagpur. MOHAN Foundation was invited by Mr. Suhas Khandekar member of the Jan Manch Organization, Nagpur.

Dr. Ravi Wankhede, Director of MOHAN Foundation was the speaker of that program. He began the session by introducing the foundation and its activities. He asked them few opening questions on organ donation to gauge their level of understanding on the said subject. Then he proceeded to explain the concept of organ donation and transplantation. He explained to the audience that a person who is brain dead means “dead”. It is only in the case of brain death that one can donate organs. He tried to focus on the myths that circulate around organ donation and asked the participants for their opinion on the same.

He stated it very clearly that commercial dealing of organs is illegal and punishable under the law. He also focused organ donation rate in India in comparison of other countries. He requested to all the participants to use MOHAN Foundation website and helpline number.

35 members of the Jan Manch were present, and 5 of them signed consent form and took donor cards.

Participants had lot of queries:

What is declaration process of Brain death?

Whom to contact for organ donation?

In case of Natural death which tissue can be donate?

Overall, it was very interactive session and all the queries were handled professionally by Dr. Ravi Wankhede and ZTCC president Dr. Vibhawari Dani.


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