SPOT Hospital supports Organ Donation

MOHAN Foundation was invited by SPOT (Subbarayan Parimala centre for Orthopedics and Traumatology) Hospital, Kodambakkam, Chennai to speak on organ donation on 06th June 2018 at 2 PM. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer and Mr. T. S. Siva Shankar Helpline Executive  were invited by Ms. Sujatha Ramesh Babu, CEO for an awareness program on Organ Donation for the Medical Representatives, OPD patients and caretakers. .

Mr. Siva Shankar started the talk with the activities of MOHAN Foundation and Concepts of Organ Donation. He gave detailed information on the following topics:

  1. Organ Donation and the organs that can be donated
  2. The organs that can be donated while living, after death and Brain Death
  3. The causes of Brain Death
  4. Age criteria for Organ Donation
  5. Government Authority who allocates the organs
  6. Myths on Organ Donation
  7. Donor Card 

The session went on for half an hour and 10 medical representatives attended. The question asked after the talk was:

  1. Will the organs that are donated be given free of cost to the recipient?

At the end Dr. S. Ramesh Babu, Founder and Chairman, SPOT Hospital and Ms. Sujatha Ramesh Babu supported the cause with a big donor card. MOHAN Foundation thanks Ms. Sujatha Ramesh Babu for organizing a talk with the representatives.


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