Awareness session on organ donation at INOX Air Products Pvt. Ltd, Greater Noida

On February 10, 2018, MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an awareness session on organ donation for the employees and staff of INOX, Air Products Pvt. Ltd at Greater Noida. Mr. Pushpinder Singh (friend and supporter of MOHAN Foundation) took the initiative to organise the talk at INOX and Mr. Mushtaque Ansari from INOX coordinated it.


The session began with Dr. Muneet introducing MOHAN Foundation, its objectives and activities. She then introduced the subject of organ donation and explained the 5 why's of organ donation i.e. who can donate, what can you donate, when can you donate, where does the process of organ donation take place and why should you donate. She explained 'brain death' as the total and irreversible loss of all brain function and the circumstance under which the donation of vital organs takes place. She further added that the concept of brain death is often difficult for families to come to terms with when dealing with a tragic loss. Their loved one who has suffered from an injury to the brain is in a hospital intensive care unit on a ventilator. Doctors are doing everything possible to save the patient. It is under these circumstances that families are asked to understand that their loved one has died. It is also under the same scenario that organ donation is presented as an option in order to give life to others. Following its explanation, a short movie on brain death was shown to the group to give clarity on the subject.


Another movie titled, "Thank you" by Vijay was also shown to the group. The concept of the film 'death is not the end' evoked a very positive response and created an immediate emotional connect with the audience.


Dr. Muneet concluded the talk by explaining the process of pledging or sign up to become an organ donor. She emphasised on the importance of discussing the decision to become organ donors with family or next of kin because their decision would be considered final.


Close to 40 participants attended the talk and an equal number of donor cards were picked up.


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