Serene Senior Care supports Organ Donation

Serene Senior Care, a private company that caters to the needs of senior citizens invited MOHAN Foundation for an awareness program on Organ Donation at their facility in Sholinganallur, Chennai.  The talk was scheduled on 22nd January 2018 at 2 PM. Mr. Siva Shankar, Helpline Executive was the Guest Lecturer for the session.

Mr. Siva Shankar started the session with a video about the overall history of Organ Donation to make the people think about the topic. After that he started the Concepts of Organ Donation with a presentation. He explained the following in detail:

  1. Who can donate?
  2. Natural Death, brain death and coma.
  3. The organs that can be donated at each stage?
  4. MOHAN Foundation and its activity.
  5. Importance of  donor card.

The 1 hour session was attended  by 15  residents. They were very interested in the talk and there were lively discussions. Some of the questions that they asked were:

  1. How does the government authority have all the details of the patients waiting in the waitlist when they register in hospital?
  2. What is the time to harvest the organs?
  3. Will all the surgeons take the organs at a time or one at a time?

Out of those 15 residents 6 pledged to become an Organ Donors. MOHAN Foundation thanks Mr. V. Srinivasan, Manager Serene Senior Care, for organising the talk for the residents.   


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