‘Torchlight March’ for Organ & Tissue donation awareness at Ramtek, Nagpur |
Mr. B. W. Yawale ‘Block Development Officer (BDO at Ramtek), ‘Panchayat samiti’ Ramtek, Primary Health center, Maharashtra village Health Workers Association and Ramtek Taluka Vidhi Sewa Samiti jointly organized a huge Torchlight Rally on 3rd Oct 2017 to spread awareness on Organ & Tissue donation. After torchlight march the awareness session was conducted by MOHAN Foundation. The 3kn long rally started at 9.00 am from Panchayat Samiti office and ended at Kimatkar Cultural Hall at noon. There were 300 Government employees participating in the rally and the session. All the promotional material was made in association with MOHAN foundation. After the rally there was talk on organ donation at Ramtek cultural hall. All members actively participated in the session. Mr. Bulu Beehra MOHAN foundation transplant coordinator gave a talk on organ donation. He stressed importance of organ donation. He spoke of the organs & tissues which could be donated by living person also after natural death and after brain death. He explained about Brain death and cause of Brain death. He explained how people who are brain death can become donor and save 8 lives. He also said people have the misconception that religions don’t allow organ donationas an act of high charity. At the end of the lecture Mr. Bulu Behera & Ms. Veena Wathore ZTCC Tx coordinator interacted with the Government employees & workers. During the interaction they raised the following queries. 47 employees signed consent form for organ and Tissue donation & took donor cards. 1) How will MOHAN Foundation know about my death? 2) Who is the right person to give consent to donate my organ? |