Awareness Session on Organ Donation at Ganga Jal Water Works, Ghaziabad

MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an awareness session on organ donation at U.P. Jal Nigam, Ganga Jal Water Works on July 02, 2017. Mr. R. N. Arora, Director, Social Welfare, Yashoda Hospital took the initiative to organize the session for the retired officers with their families of Ganga Jal Water Works. Ms. Mareena Thomas, Programme Officer, MOHAN Foundation was the resource person for the talk. She was accompanied by Ms. Jyoti Sharma, Transplant Coordinator MOHAN Foundation.


Mr. Arora introduced MOHAN Foundation to the participants and shared with them that this was the third session that was being conducted in collaboration with MOHAN Foundation. Earlier two sessions were conducted at Yashoda Hospital and for the employees of Ganga Jal Water Works at Ghaziabad. He also spoke about India’s donation rate and requested everyone present to think about this important but underplayed out area and encouraged everyone to sign up as organ donors.


Ms. Mareena began the session by asking the group as to how many of them had heard about organ donation. Quite a few people raised their hands. One of the participants shared that he had kidney failure and that no one in the family could donate kidney to him. He explained the agonizing wait for a kidney. Ms. Mareena suggested him to register his name in the deceased waiting list for kidney in the hospital where he was undergoing treatment.

The basic difference between cardiac death and brain death was explained.  The fact that organ donation is possible only in the case of brain death was stressed upon.


 The sessions were kept as interactive as possible. Participants asked technical questions, to name a few:

  • How do we transplant organs of children in adults?
  • How much time does it take to retrieve organs?
  • How much time does it take for corneal retrieval?
  • Can diabetes patients donate organs?
  • What are the contraindications for organ donation?
  • Who certifies brain death in hospitals?


Ms. Mareena then took them through the presentation that covered the concepts of organ donation and transplantation, concluding it with a 4-minute movie on ‘brain death.’


She also explained the different ways one could pledge to be an organ donor. She also emphasized on the fact that pledging by signing a donor card or filling up an organ donor pledge form, in both the situations it is important to bring the family in consensus with one’s wishes, as their decision will be considered final. The participants were also told about National Organ Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO), an apex centre for all India activities of coordination and networking for procurement and distribution of organs and tissues donation and transplantation in the country.


Close to 80 participants attended the session and 50-60 donor cards were picked up.


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