Organ Donation Awareness on the Occasion of International Nursing Day Florence Nightingale Birthday celebrated at Hotel Rangoli, Nagpur

Dr. Mahesh Fulwani, Director of Shrikrishna Hrudayalaya and Critical Care Center, Nagpur invited MOHAN Foundation on the occasion of celebrations of International Nurses Day on 12 May 2017. Dr. Raviraj Pardeshi- CRU Incharge, Br. Jijo P Thomas - Nursing superintendent, Sr. Mamta, Sr. Vinita, Sr. Dikshita- Nursing Incharge, Mr. Subodhkumar Singh - Chief Administrator & nursing staff and others joined on the solemn occasion.


The staff presented a variety of entertainment like dance, skit, singing and fancy dress competition. Ms. Poonam Lohana, Infection control and Quality Head in Shreekrishna Hrudalaya Hospital  and a  MOHAN Foundation trained Transplant Coordinator, later invited Dr. Ravi Wankhede to give a talk on Organ donation. Dr. Wankhede thanked Ms. Lohana for the invite.


He congratulated the Hospital staff for their talented show and greeted them on the auspicious International Nurses Day. He said he had a special word of praise for the Nursing staff, who take most care of the sick. He said Nursing is a very noble profession. He said that nursing profession is very intimately connected with the subject of organ transplantation. He said Nurses are more closely associated with the patients and their relatives and hence there was a great need to understand the subject. He later gave a PPP and explained in details about the miracle of transplantation which helps thousands of people with gift of life. He explained the huge need of organs for end stage organ failure patients, who have no other alternative to survive. He briefly explained the legal, social, religious, medical and other angles which lead to several people benefiting from organs from people who were brain death. Dr. Wankhede  ran a short video explaining brain death.He emphasized that Nurses can play a very important role to counsel relatives of the patients who may end up with brain death. Dr. Wankhede said Nurses can undergo transplant coordinators training or at-least by understand the subject.


After the talk the audience asked a few questions which were answered to their satisfaction.

Mr. Bulu Behera Transplant & Kanchan Shewde Coordinators later distributed brochures.

Ms. Poonam Lohana  proposed a vote of thanks to Dr. Ravi Wankhede and the staff of MOHAN Foundation. About 50 Doctors, nursing and paramedical staff were present. Three of them signed consent form and picked a donor card.


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