Awareness session on organ donation at ITM Business School, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

On 25th January, 2017, MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an awareness session on organ donation at ITM Business School, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai for its students and faculty members.

Mrs. Jaya Jairam began the session with an introduction to MOHAN Foundation, its mission and its activities. She then went on to cover the following topics - what is organ donation, why it is needed, why is the deceased organ donation rate so low in India, how can the barriers to organ donation be overcome, the myths and facts regarding the procedure and finally how one can support organ donation if they wish to.

She spoke about her own personal story of how she had to undergo a kidney transplant 7 years ago and how it has motivated her to support the cause of organ donation.

Lastly, she invited Mr Praveen Kumar, NSG Commando, who was one of the team members that fought the terrorists on 26th Nov, 2008, at Taj in Mumbai. He spoke about his Life story and how he supports organ donation. His talk inspired many students.

Many queries were asked and answered. Some of the students and teachers also signed up to show their support and pledged their organs.

MOHAN Foundation wishes to convey its sincerest thanks to Lt. Colonel (Retd) D. P. Singh, Chairman, Association for Senior Citizens, CBD Belapur, Mr. Adhikari, Dean, ITM Business School and Mrs. Shrilaja Palur, Lecturer, ITM Business School for their immense support for the cause.


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