Talk on organ donation for trainee officers of NCC

On 31st December 2016, Dr. Ravi Wankhede, head of MOHAN Foundation Nagpur Center was invited by the Commandant of NCC-OTA a training Academy at Kamptee Cantonment near Nagpur to give a talk on the organ donation and transplantation to the trainee officers. 


National Cadets Corp (NCC) - is one of the greatest Cohesive forces of the nation bringing together the youth hailing from different parts of the country and moulding them into United secular and disciplined citizens of the nation. The trainee officers who are basically senior teachers in the Colleges were from across the country.  Nearly 120 trainees were present at the session.


Dr. Ravi Wankhede is now on regular call to talk on the subject in all the sessions which helps the officers to know about the subject and carry the subject to their NCC units in their respective States. Earlier Dr. Wankhede was introduced by Col. Joseph to the audience. Brig. S.B. Singh gave introductory remarks and told the officers the importance of knowing about the subject. He said as teachers, the trainee officers can help spread the knowledge in their units.


Dr Ravi Wankhede spoke of the need for donation and how a brain dead person can save the lives of nearly 8 people.  He explained the importance of the donor card and the laws that regulate organ donation and transplantation. He urged the officers to take the message to all their cadets.


After the talk, there was a question and answer session, wherein Dr. Ravi Wankhede gave answers to the queries of the trainees. Brig. S. B. Singh presented a certificate of appreciation to the Dr. Ravi Wankhede amidst a standing ovation by the participants.



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