NCC Cadets of ​​Women’s Christian College organise an awareness session on organ donation

On 02 December 2016 ​MOHAN Foundation had an Organ Donation Awareness Campaign and Talk for students at ​​Women’s Christian College, Nungambakkam in association with​ their ​ NCC Wing.​ ​There were around 500 students who took part in this awareness program​ held during the first assembly in the auditorium. 

The Program started by 12.30pm.​ A​n explanatory​ video was played as  Tamil Nadu stands first in deceased organ donation​ in India.  In a while Dr.Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer, Mohan Foundation was introduced to the gathering by Lt. Selva Malathi, Associate NCC Officer, Department of Commerce which was followed by  Dr. Mary Pearl, Dean of Student Affairs, Shift 1 welcoming  Dr. Hemal Kanvinde with a bouquet of flowers.

Dr. Hemal Kanvinde started with a presentation about the activities which is being done by MOHAN FOUNDATION and about the organ donation which explained on WHEN, WHY, WHO and to WHOM the organs can be donated.​ 

The important part in the presentation was about the BRAIN DEATH.In between the presentation some fun facts were asked to the students and their were various replies from them. A serious matter discussed in a very humorous and captivating method.

After the presentation, a mime was conducted on the MYTHS of organ donation​ by the NCC cadets​. It clearly show​ed many myths about organ donation ​ and explained the reality. ​​This mime helped the students to underastand the barriers in people's mind before pledging for organ donation.The program ended by 01.30​ ​pm.​

Outside the auditorium a registration desk was set up by the NCC Cadets assisted by Mr. T. S. Siva Shankar of MOHAN Foundation.​ The donor cards were picked by 300 students wh​o show their support for organ donation​ and signed the registration form​.  Although the students had some doubt that if they pledge for the donor card whether they should compulsory give their organs ?The doubts were easily clarified properly that made the students to pledge to be a donor after their death. 


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