Organ Donation Information Desk at the NDTV- Fortis ‘More To Give’ Campaign Walkathon

MOHAN Foundation was invited to put up a stall at the NDTV Fortis ‘More to Give’ Campaign Walkathon on 27th November 2016, National Organ Donation Day from 7.30 am onwards. MOHAN Foundation was represented by Mrs. Shaila Shroff, Mr. Ragavan, Ms. Ann Alex and volunteers Mrs. Madhu Sheth and Ms. Mansi Shroff.

Many senior doctors, donor families, recipients, other stakeholders and public took part in the walkathon. This was televised live by NDTV news channel.  More than 500 people participated in the rally. Mrs. Shaila Shroff, Mrs. Madhu Sheth and Ms. Mansi Shroff completed the rally.

Dr. Gomathi Karmegam, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, Govt. Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital represented a donor family. She was interviewed by NDTV about her experience of donating the organs of her aunt, Late Mrs. Kannambal. Dr. J. Amalorpavanathan, former Member Secretary, TRANSTAN, Mr. Ragavan and Ms. Ann were also interviewed and spoke about Tamil Nadu leading in deceased organ donation and Green Corridors.

Information flyers, standees, posters were part of the information stall manned by Ms. Ann and Mr. Ragavan. Around 150 people picked up a donor card and pledged to donate organs.  


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