Awareness Session on Organ Donation at Sony India Pvt. Ltd, Mathura Road, New Delhi

On September 7, 2016 MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an awareness session on organ donation for the employees of Sony India Pvt. Ltd at the company's Head Office situated at Mathura Road, New Delhi. Ms. Radhika Arora, Corporate HR, Sony India, took the initiative to organise the session.


One of the most recognised brand names in the world today, Sony Corporation, Japan, established its India operations in November 1994, focusing on the sales and marketing of Sony products in the country. In a span of 19 years, Sony India has exemplified the quest for excellence in the world of digital lifestyle becoming the country's foremost consumer electronics brand.


Dr. Muneet began the session by introducing the Foundation, its mission, objectives and activities to the participants. After the introductions she invited people from the audience to share their personal experiences with respect to organ donation. One of the employees then shared that one of his best friend's brother needed a kidney and further elaborated how his friend gave his kidney to his younger brother and that the patient is doing fine even now after 3 years. That set the pace for the session as to why should a living healthy individual donate organs vis a person who can donate most of the organs after death.


The talk then focused on basic concepts of organ donation and transplantation, brain stem death versus cardiac death, solid organ donation & tissue donation, contraindications to organ donation and myths related to organ donation. A five-minute video on brain death was shown for better clarity on the said subject. Lot of queries came up while the session was underway. To name a few: does the Transplant law allow targeted donation, are there any incentives for the donor families (direct/indirect), what is the allocation criteria for organs, Should India not adopt "Opt-out" system, how long the tissues can be preserved, do solid organs have a life and for how long can they be preserved to transport them to different city and would a registered will expressing the wish to donate organs be permissible as a form of consent.


It was a small group of 8-10 participants who attended the session but all of them made some excellent points and asked very interesting questions. 20 donor cards were picked up.


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