Awareness session on Organ Donation at Bal Bharati Public School, New Delhi

MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an awareness session on organ donation at Bal Bharati Public School, New Delhi on August 11, 2016.


Times of India has been organizing various sessions on organ donation in different schools across Delhi-NCR in collaboration with MOHAN Foundation as part of the organ donation drive that began in February 2016 culminating in a 13-day campaign starting Aug 1-13, 2016. The session at Bal Bharati Public School was part of this ongoing campaign.


Bal Bharati Public School came into existence more than seven decades ago. The school spread over six acres of prime land, is housed in two wings one at Pusa Road and the other at Ganga Ram Hospital Marg. The session was taken by Ms. Mareena Thomas (Programme Officer-Delhi NCR). It was coordinated by Mr. Raghav from Times of India who is also in-charge of circulation of TOI newspapers in the schools. Students of class XI attended the session.


In the audience, there were four students whom had some family member who had undergone a transplant. The session was very interactive. Mareena was challenged with a lot of questions based on ethical practices. The fear of misuse of organ for commercial purposes, doctors wanting to declare a person brain death so that the transplant team can be benefitted and the opinion about private hospitals wanting to mint money out of patients was looming over the life saving cause of organ donation. Mareena tried to reason out with them by agreeing that though there might be loopholes in the systems, there are ways to deal with the same, majorly being - The Transplantation of Human Organ and Tissue Act,2011 which governs the rules of organ donation, allocation and transplantation and; above all our personal intention to save people's lives after death.


When asked about organs being suitable for transplant, Mareena replied that an individual's intention to save life by donating one's organs is what is important and it is up to the medical team to decide the health of the tissues or organs at the time of one's death.


Many students came forward wanting to be a part of the volunteer program, Angels of Change. Ms. Neenu Singh, school coordinator has assured that she will be taking up the matter with the principal.


280 students attended the session.


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