MOHAN Foundation sets an information stall at Government Medical College, Nagpur

On May 11, 2016, MOHAN Foundation set up an information stall on Organ Donation & Transplantation at Government Medical College, Medical Square, Nagpur. Mrs. Chaya Jadhav, senior sister at the hospital, invited MOHAN Foundation.  Mr. Bulu Behera manned the stall & gave the following information to the people with the help of banners, brochures & standees. In addition he also set a registration desk for those who wished to give the gift of life after death.

He gave information about what organs and tissues could be donated while living as well as after death. He stressed the need to donate eyes and skin after natural death, as there was an eye bank nearby and that skin could be sent to Orange City Hospital, Nagpur. He gave information  about how a ‘brain dead’ patient  can  save eight patients requiring kidney’s, liver, heart, lungs, pancreas besides several tissues like eyes, skin, heart valves, bones, etc. He elaborated on the role of ZTCC and Organ transplant act. He explained the importance of a donor card.


Questions asked by participants:-

Where is MOHAN Foundation office?

How many people have supported the cause in Nagpur?

Does MOHAN Foundation provide any financial help for  kidney transplant?


 22 patients and their family members came to collect information at the stall.


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