Members of Rotary Club of Nagpur Ishanya take up a noble cause

The Rotary Club of Nagpur Ishanya had organized a talk on “Be a Gift to the World” the Rotary International theme for the year 2015-16 on 10th April 2016 at Ishanya Hall Pune Sewasadan Society, Nagpur. Dr. Ravi Wankhede, Expert member of Zonal Transplant Coordination Centre (ZTCC) Nagpur and Director of MOHAN Foundation was the guest speaker on the occasion. Dr. Wankhede is also a member of Rotary Club of Nagpur and Rotary International District Committee Chairperson Organ Donation. President of the Club Rtn. Rahul Laddhad and Secretary Rtn. Subhash Lahoti were seated on the dais. Dr. Ravi Wankhede was introduced to the members of the Club by the Rtn. Raghbir Singh Chawla.


Dr. Wankhede gave a PPP on Organ donation covering historical, legal, social and medical highlights of the huge need for donating organs and tissues. He said this medical miracle, was possible because of the magnanimity of the people who decided to donate organs while alive and the family members who consent to donate organs of their beloved family members. This he said is the real ‘Gift to the World’ as the Rotary International theme goes.

He said, while some organs can be donated while living, what is really required is organs and tissue donation after death. He said the tradition of cremating or burying the dead bodies should be preceded by at-least eyes and skin donation. He informed the audience that we are 50% deficient of eyes (corneas) donation as also the need to donate skin to save people suffering from burns. He later stressed on the huge potential of donating organs and tissues when someone suffers ‘brain death’. He told the audience that as many as eight people can get life saving organs such as two kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, pancreas, intestines, etc from such patients thereby doing a great humanitarian service. He emphasized the need to understand that a person who is brain dead is dead and if his organs are kept functional the relatives should consent as early as possible. He said this way, their loved ones will be ‘existing’ in as many people, which would give them immense satisfaction.


 He lamented India is lagging behind in such organ donations due to ignorance, religious misconceptions and general apathy towards social cause. Dr. Wankhede exhorted the Rotary Clubs in South Asia to take up this issue in helping to spread awareness of the subject.

At the end of the talk some members asked questions on the subject which were answered to their satisfaction. 35 members signed a pledge and got organ donor cards. The President Rtn. Rahul Laddhad informed Dr. Ravi Wankhede that all members of the Club would in due course of time pledge to donate organs. The meeting ended with a formal vote of thanks and singing of National Anthem.


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