MOHAN Foundation Invited for an Awareness Session on Organ Donation at St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, New Delhi

On October 8, 2015 MOHAN Foundation was invited for an awareness session on organ donation at St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh, New Delhi. The session was held in the auditorium where 2 batches of students with strength of 160 and 190 attended the session respectively.  The former batch had students of the science stream and the latter consisted of students from the commerce and humanities.


St. Mark’s Senior Secondary Public School, Meera Bagh, is a co-educational English medium institution founded on April 20, 1990. It was then inaugurated by the then Lt.Governor of Delhi, Air Chief Marshal Arjan Singh. The school motto ’Loyalty, Truth and Honour’ conveys the school’s expectations from the students


Ms. Anjali Aggarwal (Principal, St. Mark’s School) is a passionate advocate for the cause of organ donation and believes that the children of today are the change makers of tomorrow; hence they need to know the facts. She requested Ms. Sunita Punn (Biology teacher, XI & XII class) to organize and coordinate the session.


Dr. Muneet took the session and Ms. Sonam accompanied her. In order to make the session interesting and interactive, Dr. Muneet encouraged the students to actively participate by asking questions and also share their views on this very important but underplayed out subject. She spoke about concepts of organ donation, the statistics of the country pertaining to the same and myths related to the said subject as perceived by the general public. She also spoke briefly upon the THOA 1994 and encouraged everyone present to go back and talk to his or her family members and tell them what they learnt today and in the process promote the much-needed awareness for the cause.


The students were surprisingly well informed and listened to the session with full interest. Few examples of the questions asked were: difference between coma and brain death, contraindications to organ donation, what happens in case of unclaimed brain dead bodies, what is the process of organ donation and could a person mention his/her wish to donate organs in a registered will.


350 students attended both the sessions and 50 donor cards were given to Ms. Sunita Punn so that the students could sign the donor cards after consultation and getting the consensus from their parents/legal guardian.


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