NCC Summer camps include a new socially relevant topic - Organ Donation for their cadets

National Cadets Corps of  Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Andaman and Nicober Islands - Group A, invited MOHAN Foundation to give an awareness talk on Organ Donation to their young cadets. The talk was organized for the cadets of 1 (TN) Girls BN NCC. The programme was organized at Velammal Higher Secondary School, Ponneri, on 22.05.2015. The event was organized by Cap. Joyti and it was a part of their 10 days camp. By talking to them about organ donation, the NCC aimed at motivating them towards selfless service.


Ms.  Kavitha. S, Marketing Coordinator, was deputed from MOHAN Foundation. Nearly 500 cadets from different colleges were present during the talk.  Ms. Kavitha started the session by asking few question related to Organ Donation and how to keep the organs healthy. The cadets actively participated and answered the all the questions.


Following that she spoke on who can donate, what organ can be donated, when they can be donated, how to pledge for Organ donation, when an individual can pledge to donate their organs.  The session lasted for more than one hour.


The cadets raised many questions like:

  1. Whether a short sighted person can donate his organs?
  2. Whether transplanted organs can be donated?



All questions were answered by the coordinator. At the end, the cadets had a fun filled time with a quiz set by Ms. Kavitha.  Following that a movie on Organ Donation was screened. At the end information brochures were distributed.


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