Organ Donation Awareness at the Regional Training Institute, Nagpur

On April 17, 2015, MOHAN Foundation conducted a awareness  session on organ donation for the trainee staff of Regional Training Institute. The talk was done under the initiative of  Mr. R.R. Shahare, administrative senior audit officer. The audience were various account officers of the state and  central government. The session was conducted by Dr. Ravi Wankhede in the seminar hall of the institute.


Through the talk Dr. Wankhede explained the subject matter:

  • Need for organ donation & Organ donation rate in India.
  • Type of donations.: live donation & Natural death donation as well as after Brain death donation.
  • Concept of brain death.
  •  Function of ZTCC & Importance of THO act.
  •  Important of doctors for organ donation.
  •  MOHAN Foundation activities & progress of Chennai city about organ donation.
  •  Priority of organ & myths surrounding organ donation.


 The participants showed keenness for the subject and the discussion points that followed the talk were:

  1. What is time duration for organ transplant in each organ?
  2. What is the guarantee, after organ donation the organ will not use for commercial dealing?
  3. If the donor card holder is not from the state where MOHAN foundation doesn’t have office, then how you know the donor card holder is dead?
  4. MOHAN Foundation must give suggestion to the every state government  to work for organ donation?
  5. Every state must have MOHAN Foundation office.
  6. How the collection & distribution of organ will done?
  7. For how many hours  can a kidney be stored?


Total 30 participants attended the talk and 8 picked Donor card. After question discussion Mr. R.R. Shahare gave vote of thanks to Dr.Ravi Wankhede & session was over.


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