MOHAN Foundation conducts awareness session at Airtel, Manesar, Gurgaon

On Feb 23, 2015 MOHAN Foundaton conducted a talk on organ donation for the staff and heads of various departments of Airtel at their office in Manesar, Gurgaon.


The initiative to organise a session on the said subject was taken by Ms. Ritu Bhatia (Assistant Manager-HR) whose primary aim was to sensitize the staff and increase their understanding of the concept of organ donation.


MOHAN Foundaton's representative explained the concepts of organ donation and transplantation primarily focusing on the types of donations, how to diagnose brain death, tissue donation, the Transplant Law of India and difference between cardiac and brain death. Special mention about eye donation and how each of us could contribute towards the cause was stressed upon. In the end a short film on brain death was shown for better understanding of the concept.


56 participants attended the talk and 50 donor cards were picked up.


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