MOHAN Foundation conducts Three-Day Awareness Campaign on Organ Donation at GENPACT, Hyderabad

MOHAN Foundation was invited by Mr. Radhakrishna of GENPACT to conduct an awareness campaign on organ donation for their employees at their three locations in Hyderabad. The event was organized at GENPACT – Habsiguda campus on December 10th, GENPACT – Pocharam campus on December 11th and GENPACT – DLF Gatchibowli campus on December 12th. At each location a stall was provided with a LCD screen near the cafeteria where most of employees would assemble.


There were more than 1000 employees that have actively interacted during the campaign and all of them were distributed information brochures and car stickers. There were 103 employees that came forward and pledged to donate organs and about 30 of them also took family donor cards.


Dr. Koti Reddy of MOHAN Foundation explained the employees about the importance of deceased organ donation, religious and cultural barriers involved with organ donation & eye donation, benefits of transplantation, concept of brain death and myths surrounding organ donation. There was a lot of enthusiasm seen among the employees and many of them wondered if they can donate organs. A lot of employees liked the “Universal Donor Card” concept initiated by MOHAN Foundation and promised it to keep/carry it always with them.


We thank Mr. Radhakrishna, Ms. Rajitha and the management of GENPACT for helping us in conducting this campaign in all their good offices at Hyderabad to promote organ donation among their employees. We also thank all the employees that have given their valuable time for this noble cause and for their active participation.


MOHAN Foundation intends to build a long-term partnership/relationship with GENPACT and wishes them grand success in their CSR endeavors in the future.


Note: The photographs of the campaign were not taken and uploaded as all the offices of GENPACT were “No Photograph Zones.”


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