Dr. Barry Speaks at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College in Jaipur

Dr. Christopher Barry, Transplant Consultant to the Government of Rajasthan and MOHAN Foundation Advisory Board Member, gave a speech on deceased donor transplantation and brain death declaration to the faculty, staff and student body at Mahatma Gandhi Medical Center (MGMC) in Jaipur on 28 November 2014.


Over 150 people attended, including dignitaries from MGMC and representatives from MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen’s Forum (MFJCF). Dr. Manish Sharma, Nodal Director of the Rajasthan Network for Organ Sharing and MFJCF member, gave an introduction to the Transplant of Human Organs Act, touching on key legal aspects of deceased donor transplantation in India. Dr. Barry then delivered his speech, focusing on the important subject of brain death declaration. He explained the concept of brain death in detail, described how to perform a brain death exam and emphasized that a cultural shift must take place among doctors in India whereby brain death can be clearly and compassionately explained to lay people and there should be no fear of legal or professional repercussions in declaring brain death.


After Dr. Barry’s speech, Mr. Dilip Jain of MFJCF gave a brief word of thanks to the audience for their willingness to understand and embrace organ donation. Dr. Sadasukhi of MGMC Transplant Urology invited Dr. Barry to MGMC and he is keen to participate in the evolving deceased donor transplant program in Rajasthan.


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