DHAMANI, Kerala University Employee Association takes organ donation to its members

KNOS was invited by Dr. Robin, Programme coordinator, DHAMANI, Kerala University Employees Association to conduct an awareness session for its members on November 15, 2014 as a part of their Employees Meet.


Dr. Noble Gracious, Nodal officer, KNOS spoke about the importance of deceased organ donation, barriers involved with organ donation procedures of transplantation, importance of organ donation,T.H.O Act, concept of brain death and myths surrounding organ donation. The awareness session followed by a footage covered by Mathrubhumi News on cadaver donation and a malayalam movie clipping about the importance of cadaver organ donation was shown to the audience.


There were about 200 participants who actively participated in the event and all the staff members pledged their organs by signing the donor cards and were provided with information brochures. By the end of the session participants came up with a lot of questions on the technical aspects of organ donation, live donation, difference between coma and brain death, cornea donation etc. Transplant Coordinators of MOHAN Foundation answered the queries.


At the end of the session a member of DHAMANI also a live donor for her husband shared her experience. A poster presentation was conducted by the employees as part of this programme.



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