Exposure Visit by SDNB Vaishanv College to MOHAN Foundation

On 26th August 2014,  few 1st year MSW students of SDNB Vaishnav College for Women, Chrompet, Chennai visited MOHAN Foundation. This initiative was taken by Asst. Prof. K.S. Balathripura Sundari


A one hour session was conducted for the students with an Awareness Talk on Organ Donation by Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer, MOHAN Foundation, Chennai.


She spoke about the mission of the NGO and how its reaches this mission by carrying out different activities. She took an interactive session on their knowledge about organ donation. She gave a talk on the following topics with the help of a powerpoint presentation:


Concepts of Brain death and Organ Donation

Live and Cadaver Donation

Organs that can be transplanted

Importance of counsellors

About MOHAN Foundation Activities

Information sources – the website and helpline number


Reallife cases studies were discussed by Mr Ananath, Transplant coordinator to emphasise the importance of a cousellor in deaceased organ donation.  

After the talk and presentation the students asked many questions:

Organ donation is actually the individual decision or the family decision and why?

Are the organs sold after the donation from a brain dead person?

Whom to contact after death?

What are the procedures to be done for Online Registration?

Is there a age limit to organ donation?


Totally seven students and one staff participated in this session and all of them signed and picked up the Donor cards, information brochures  and helpline stickers. They assured that they will spread this news to their friends and family members.



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