CME on “Organ Transplantation – The Way Forward” organised by Max Saket and MOHAN Foundation at New Delhi

On January 23, 2014 Max Super Speciality Hospital in association with MOHAN Foundation organized a CME on “Organ Transplantation – The Way Forward” at Saket, New Delhi.


Located in the heart of South Delhi,Max Super Speciality Hospital(a unit of Devki Devi Foundation) is a 490 bedded healthcare facility. It’s one of the premier names in the health care domain of the world, and renowned for its quality service and patient care.


The CME was started off with a welcome note from Dr.K.K Talwar, Chairman-Cardiology Department. He stressed on the need and importance of commitment with passion, in order to make the programme a successful one, and not because we need more transplants to happen but rather because we need to save more lives.


Dr.Ajay Bakshi, MD and CEO, Max Health Care also extended his full support to the deceased organ donation program to be initiated within the hospital.


The first Speaker of the CME was Dr.Rajneesh Malhotra,Chief-CTVS, Max Healthcare and he spoke on “Unmet goals in Transplantation.” Dr.Arti Vij from ORBO AIIMS at the end of the session spoke on the recent amendments made in the THO Act,1994 and that any help needed to make the Deceased Cadaveric Donation Programme a success would be extended and welcomed.


Dr. Christopher Taylor Barry- Associate Professor of Transplant and Hepatobiliary Surgery, the University of Rochester Medical Center, New York, who was also the Chief Guest for the day, spoke on “Keys to a Successful Cadaveric Donor Transplant System”


Dr. Anant Kumar, Director-Urology and Kidney Transplant, Max Super Speciality Hospital, spoke on “Organ Retrieval, Preservation and Distribution”


Ms Lalitha Raghuram, Country Director of MOHAN Foundation spoke about “Role of MOHAN Foundation in Deceased Organ Donation in India.” She expanded the role that MOHAN Foundation plays in order to ensure the success of Deceased Organ Donation in India and the steps which can be taken to replicate the success of the Tamil Nadu Model in other parts of the country.  She stressed on the importance and need of the Government to formulate more laws in support of it and the need of the State Government to put into practice the same. She also discussed the need of well trained Transplant Coordinators to ensure the smooth functioning and coordination of the whole programme.


The next speaker of the session was Dr.Dinesh Khullar, Director and HOD, Nephrology & Kidney Transplant Medicine, Max Super Speciality Hospital. He spoke on “Organ Transplant-The Hope.” Following his presentation he invited on stage some kidney recipients to share and express their feelings towards the donor families.


Dr. Kewal Krishan,Senior Consultant CTVS In charge of Heart Transplant and Ventricular Assist Device Programme, Max Super Specialty Hospital shed light on the “Current Status and Future Challenges in Heart Transplantation.”


The last speaker of the day was Ms. Pallavi Kumar, Executive Director, MOHAN Foundation (Delhi-NCR) and she spoke about “Deceased Organ Donation Programme & Role of a Transplant Coordinator.”  The session highlighted the importance of the programme to be system driven than person driven She emphasized on the need and essentiality of collective ownership and interdepartmental coordination, the need for clear and well defined role of the committee and the importance of the appointment of a well trained Transplant Coordinator .She also stressed time and again for the need for robust Standard Operating Procedures, well defined protocols and the eminent need for early brain death identification and certification. She also said that creating public awareness is also a collective responsibility and not just the onus of NGOs.


At the end of the session, she invited on the Ms Kanupriya,who had  donated the organs of her four and a half years daughter and asked her to say few words on her experience as an organ donor. Kanupriya also stressed the importance of public awareness and messaging within the hospital on rogan donation.


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