Public awareness session on organ donation for the executives and employees of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Ltd in Gurgaon.

On January 22, 2014 an awareness session on organ donation and transplantation was conducted by MOHAN Foundation, Delhi-NCR in association with Organ Receiving and Giving Awareness Network (ORGAN) India - an initiative by the Parashar Foundation at PwC Ltd.


PwC is a network of firms in 158 countries with over 184,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in advisory, tax and regulatory services.In India, Pricewatercoopers portfolio of advisory and tax regulatory services are located in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune.


The preliminary talks to organize the session happened between Ms Sunayana Arora, ORGAN India and Mr Heman Sabharwal, Partner, Chartered Accountants, Price Waterhouse and the lead up to the actual day of the session was coordinated by Ms Neetika Goyal, Central CR Coordinator.


Two sessions across two different locations of PwC office were conducted by Dr Muneet Sahi, Senior Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation. The talk was well received by the employees going by the response of the audience, each one wanting to share their story/experience or raising queries on this very important but underplayed out area.


After the sessions both the staff of MOHAN Foundation and ORGAN India stayed back so that people who could not attend the talk could visit the information desk to register themselves or pick up the donor cards.


The talk was also attended by Ms Simi, volunteering with MOHAN Foundation to take the cause forward.


61 people attended the talk and more than 33 picked up the donor card.


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