Organ donation awareness talk for staff of CARE Hospital, Nagpur

MOHAN Foundation Nagpur Centre was invited by Mrs. Kalpana, Transplant co-ordinator of CARE Hospitals & Research Centre for creating an awareness about deceased organ donation among the hospital staff. The program was held on 14th  September 2013. Mr. Bulu Behera, Transplant co-ordinator, MOHAN Foundation - Nagpur gave a presentation on the following points.

1)      Functions of MOHAN Foundation

2)      Organ & Tissue Donation

3)      Brain Death, Coma, and Natural Death

4)      Causes of brain death

5)      Importance of  donor card

6)      Transplantation of  Human Organs Act

7)      Live donation & Swap donation

8)      First degree & second degree relation


There were 30 staff attending the talk. Some questions raised by participant.

1)      How much time will take organ retrieval & body hand over to the family?

2)      If anyone wants to donate body then how it will take place?

3)      If I sign the pledge form then after my death how will MOHAN Foundation know?


At the end of his talk Mr. Bulu Behera suggested to participantsto visit MOHAN Foundation website & use the helpline number. Mrs. Kalpana gave a vote of thanks to MOHAN Foundation.


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