Kerala Network for Organ Sharing (KNOS), Mrithasanjeevani in collaboration with MOHAN Foundation, Kerala organized a one day workshop on “MASTER CLASS – ORGAN RETRIEVAL” for Transplant Surgeons (Liver, Kidney, Heart & Lung), Nephrologists, Gastroenterologists, Intensivists, Anesthetists and Transplant Coordinators on 12th January, 2014 at the Harmony Hall, Mascot Hotel, Palayam, Trivandrum. The theme of the workshop was “Standardising and improvisation of Retrieval Techniques in Deceased Donation”. Nearly 90 delegates from various hospitals participated in the workshop.
Dr. Noble Gracious, Assistant Professor of Nephrology, Nodal Officer, Mrithasanjeevani welcomed the gathering. He highlighted a few points relating to the initiation KNOS and its functioning in Kerala. He also showed the statistics related to deceased donor organ transplantation in Kerala. In his speech, he urged that all the doctors have to work together for this programme to be a success.
There were 8 sessions as follows:
Key Speakers
Deceased donor maintenance for optimum graft outcome & Anesthesia during retrieval
Dr. Jacob Abraham, Consultant, Cardiac Anesthetist & HOD, Lisie Hospital
Preservation fluid, preservation techniques, machine perfusion, ECMO
Prof. Darius F Mirza MS FRCS Professor of Hepatobiliary & Transplant Surgery, QE Hospital & Birmingham Children’s Hosp Clinical Service Lead - Liver Surgery
Anatomical landmarks in organ retrieval surgery
- Heart & Lung organ retrieval
Dr. Jose Chacko Periappuram,
Consultant, Cardiac Surgeon & HOD,
Lisie Hospital
Multi Organ Retrieval |
Prof. Darius F Mirza
Liver Transplant, Liver retrieval (including liver assessment)
Prof. Darius F Mirza
En-bloc retrieval technique for kidneys
Dr. Sunil Shroff, Professor of Urology
SRMC, Chennai
Designing common forms for Organs
- Kidney
Designing common forms for Organs
- Liver
Prof. Jacob George, HOD, Dept of Nephrology, GMCT (Kidney)
Dr. Unni, Liver Surgeon, AIMS
Retrieval in DCD donors & Outcomes after DCD transplantation
Prof. Darius F Mirza
Bench dissection
Dr. Sudhindran, HOD, Liver transplant unit, AIMS
Pediatric Organ Retrieval
Prof. Darius F Mirza
Packing of Organs & Forms for transportation
Dr. Sunil Shroff
Dr. Darius Mirza added immense value to the workshop and discussions.
Key outcomes:
- Common forms for Kidney and Liver to be drafted based on the discussions and it will be circulated to all hospitals.
- Workshop on Brain Death Maintenance for Intensivists and Anesthetists to be conducted.
- Workshop on Practical Cadaver Dissection will be conducted depending on the feasibility.