Organ Donation Awareness Stall at Eye OPD of Lata Mangeshkar Hospital

On December 16, 2024, Mr. Bulu J. Behera, the transplant coordinator at the MOHAN Foundation, set up an organ donation stall at the Eye OPD of Lata Mangeshkar Hospital and Medical College, Digdoh, Hingna Road, Nagpur. The stall was equipped with donor cards, pamphlets containing helpline numbers, and a standee to effectively share crucial information about organ donation. Mr. Behera provided visitors with valuable insights about the concept of organ donation, addressing common myths and facts, the tissues that can be donated after natural death, and the organs and tissues eligible for donation following brain death. The stall also highlighted the legal processes involved in organ donation, the importance of donor cards and helpline numbers, as well as information on body donation, eye donation, hand transplants, and leg transplants. Additionally, the stall provided details about government schemes related to organ transplantation.

Visitors at the stall had an opportunity to ask various questions, including the location of the MOHAN Foundation office in Nagpur, the duration for which transplant recipients need to take medication, and how the MOHAN Foundation will be notified if someone has pledged to donate their organs after death. The stall successfully engaged around 32 patients and relatives. Of these, 4 individuals pledged to donate their organs, while others expressed interest in signing the pledge after discussing it further with their families.

The event was made possible with the support of Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, which allowed the MOHAN Foundation to set up the stall within the hospital premises.





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