Awareness Session on Organ and Tissue Donation at Bhartiya Vidyapith Nursing College, Navi Mumbai

On November 28, 2024, as part of an initiative by the MOHAN Foundation, Prarthana Dwivedi conducted an awareness session on organ and tissue donation for 62 NSS students at Bhartiya Vidyapith Nursing College. The session focused on the importance of organ donation and its life-saving potential.

Ms. Prarthana explained key concepts such as brain death and cardiac death, which determine when organ donation is possible. She discussed various organs and tissues that can be donated, including kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, corneas, skin, and bones. Additionally, she clarified the legal aspects of organ donation, including the process of registering as a donor and the importance of informed consent from family members.

The session also addressed common myths about organ donation, such as fears of disfigurement or that doctors might not prioritize saving the life of an organ donor. Ms. Prarthana answered students’ questions, including queries about the "opt-out" system and eligibility for donation after blood rejection.

The MOHAN Foundation thanks Mr. Vaibhav Pawar, NSS In-charge of the NSS Unit, Nere, Panvel, Raigad, for his support in organizing the session. This initiative helped raise awareness about the importance of organ donation and encouraged students to consider registering as donors. The Foundation remains committed to promoting organ donation as a life-saving act.




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