Virtual Organ Donation Awareness session for the employees of Central Bank of India

On July 24, 2024, MOHAN Foundation conducted a virtual session to raise awareness about organ donation for employees of the Central Bank of India. Employees from four zonal offices—Lucknow, Delhi, Ahmedabad, and Chandigarh—attended the session. Dr. Muneet Kaur Sahi, the Programme Manager at MOHAN Foundation NCR, led the session as the resource person.


The National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO), Ministry of Health, Government of India, launched a public awareness campaign called "Angdaan Jan Jagrukta Abhiyaan" to commemorate Indian Organ Donation Day. July has been designated as Organ Donation Month, during which many awareness activities will be organized nationwide. As part of this campaign, many corporate and governmental sectors received Demi Official (DO) letters encouraging their participation. The virtual session at the Central Bank of India was organized by their CSR partner, Dr. Reddy Foundation for Health Education (DRFHE).


Dr. Sahi opened the session with an introduction to the life-saving concept of organ donation, sharing interesting facts about the oldest and eldest recorded donors in history. To clarify the critical concept of brain death, she used a short, informative film, which served as a visual aid in explaining the medical and legal aspects of declaring brain death.


During the session, the audience received an overview of the need for organ donation, who can donate, and what organs can be donated. The concept of brain death was explained through a video presentation. Dr. Sahi also addressed common perceptions and myths surrounding organ donation and explained the process of pledging to donate organs.


The session covered a range of essential topics in detail, including:

• The urgent need for organ donation

• The current status of organ donation in India

• The circumstances under which organ donation can occur

• The types of organs that can be donated both during life and after death

• The legal framework governing transplants, known as the Transplant Law

• The process and significance of cornea donation

• An explanation of brain death, including its causes and how it differs from a coma

• Contraindications that may prevent organ donation

• The pivotal role of the MOHAN Foundation in promoting organ donation

• The importance of individual and public involvement in raising awareness

• Dispelling common myths and sharing facts about organ donation


Dr. Sahi emphasized the importance of pledging to become an organ donor and the crucial role of family conversations in this process. She outlined various ways participants could contribute to promoting and supporting the cause of organ donation. As she concluded the session, Dr. Sahi highlighted the significance of grief counseling in cases of brain death, underscoring the compassionate approach needed in such situations.


Approximately 80 participants attended the session.



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