Being encouraged to work for the cause of Organ Donation, Faculty of MLT (Medical Laboratory Technology) got the opportunity to be the part of World Organ Donation Day competition held on 13th August 2020. Competitions were organized by MOHAN Foundation &Transplants – Help The Poor Foundation on the theme of promotion of Organ Donation in India and Ms Prarthana Dwivedi coordinated all the activities. More than 10 students of MLT participated in the Drawing, Essay and Rangoli competitions.
The Principal of the college & faculty member Dr S Rughwani motivated the students by sharing her inspirational thoughts with real life examples. She told that world renowned humanitarian act is Organ Donation to the young generation and made them aware about the campaign. She appealed to the students through this competition students can promote organ donation program and inspire others to support and associate with the cause. We thank Dr S Rughwani and Principal of Sindhu College for inviting us and supporting the cause of Organ Donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad