An ardent supporter of MOHAN Foundation and the cause of organ donation, Mr. Subas Chandran and his wife, Mrs. Sarumathy Subas Chandran, made a decision that nobody had thought of, so far in India.
Mr. Subas Chandran pledged his organs to MOHAN Foundation long time ago. He did not stop there, but decided to dedicate his son Chi. Aravindakshan’s wedding reception, held on 19th March 2011 at Hotel Katriya to the cause of organ donation and MOHAN Foundation. In addition, he decided to donate the cash gifts to MOHAN Foundation.
A flex banner carrying the message of organ donation was displayed prominently at the reception. All the guests that attended the reception read the banner with interest, and several of them pledged to donate organs instantly.
Mr. Subhas Chandran proudly said, “I am not doing this for publicity. I want more and more people to know about organ donation, and many more to participate in this wonderful cause”.
May this tribe grow…..
Compiled by Lalitha Raghuram
24th March, 2011
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad