On 19th August 2022, Ms. Radhika Joshi – HR of Zetwerk Manufacturing Businesses Pvt. Ltd and ambassador of MOHAN Foundation invited Ms. Rashmi Shetty to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation for her colleagues.
Ms. Radhika gave a brief introduction about MOHAN Foundation and the speaker Ms. Rashmi Shetty.
Ms. Rashmi started the session by asking a few introductory questions on organ donation and then introduced MOHAN Foundation to the participants and kept the audience engaged throughout the session. The following were discussed in detail:
The session was interactive where participants enthusiastically contributed to the discussion and asked few queries:
Close to 70 people attended this session. MOHAN Foundation expresses its gratitude to Ms. Radhika Joshi for organizing the session.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad