“Career Fair” was organized by The Career Guidance Cell, a part of the Alumnae Association of Stella Maris College on 8th October 2014. They invited MOHAN Foundation to put a stall on Organ Donation.
Ms. Kavitha. S, Marketing Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation was deputed to man the stall. An informative brochure on Organ Donation, Donor Card, Informative brochure on Transplant Coordinators Training programme, and Standees promoting Organ Donation were displayed in the stall.
The following topics were covered by one to one interaction and group discussion:
Social work and Sociology students also visited the stall. They were given extra information on Transplant Coordinators Training programme. They were told about the option of transplant coordination as a career. Informative brochures were given.
Nearly 75 students signed up for organ donation by picking the donor card.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad