7th Dec 2009 was a historical day of sorts in the field of organ transplantation in India, as for the first time a formal 'Transplant Co-ordinator's Training Course' of a month's duration was inaugurated by MOHAN Foundation at their office in Chennai office. The course is being conducted under the guidance of Dr.Sumana Navin (Editor of Indian Transplant Newsletter), Mr. Raghuram and Mrs.Lalitha Raghuram. Over 12 faculty members have confirmed participation. Ther e are 10 candidates who are attending this course and 2 more are expected to join at a later date.
The course has been heavily subsidized by the Foundation to give momentum to this field in India. Next year a 3 month and 6 month programme also is on the cards.
Both theory and practical aspects in the field of 'Transplant Co-ordination would be covered. Besides students from Medical Social Work, Nurses, Allied Health science students there is also a transplant patient attending the course.
Majority of the participants are sponsored from various hospitals that undertake transplant activities.
Training Course - Photo Gallery
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad