MOHAN Foundation was invited by Dr. Satish Kadam on the occasion of his father’s death anniversary, at Acharjaya Vinoba Bhave Bichar Kendra, at Dharampeth, Nagpur, for giving talk about decease organ donation & organizing stall for whole day, on the 3rd August 2014.
Dr. Ravi Wankhede Director of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur center conducted that talk. He explained the concepts of Organ Donation, Brain Death and Transplantation. He highlighted which organs and tissues can be donated after brain death, natural death, and live donation. He explained that after brain death it is impossible to come back to life & the organs from a brain dead person can save more than six lives if the family is willing for the donation.
After the talk he gave information about MOHAN Foundation activities as well as helpline number. Thereafter he requested all to use MOHAN Foundation website and the toll free number to clarify any doubts. 37 participants attended that talk.
Mr. Bulu Behera & Miss. Kanchan Shewde manned an organ donation awareness stall at the venue. 18 people visited the stall and 5 visitors signed the registration form and picked a donor card.
Some question asked by the participant as given below.
At last Dr. Satish Kadam gave a vote of thanks to staff of MOHAN Foundation as well as to the invitees.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad